My name is Susanne Jager (she/her) and I am a passionate birth educator, certified by Antenatal Training International. Bottom line, my drive for becoming a birth educator was a desire to contribute to more love, compassion and healing. Big words you might think, and I agree! Big enough for me to feel secure and determined to quit my old career – I have been a fiscal economist for about 18 years- and start from scratch in a field that was then totally new to me.
My own transition into parenthood opened my eyes to the importance of meaningful support. This phase in life was for me joyful, magical, and wonderful but I also had to cope with my uncertainties, vulnerability and even grief.
I am fascinated by the brilliance of nature and the female force to be able to build, birth and feed babies. And at the same time saddened to see that despite these womanly powers, birth is not always an empowering experience for new parents. I got inspired by an international movement of women that nurture self-trust to support other women -and their partners- in their birth and the first weeks following birth. I realized I would love to support parents building resilience for their journey.
Because making a good start and being able to look back at the birth of your baby with a positive feeling, creates space and confidence for taking care of your baby and yourself from the start and onwards. And that is how I believe I can contribute to love, compassion and healing in my work as birtheducator!
My work and drive as birth educator
In western society the tradition of taking care of new mothers during the 4th trimester has almost been lost. I believe such care is very important, and mothers' wellbeing should be as much as a priority as babies' wellbeing.
My meditation and Dzogchen practice have taught me how to hold space for others. Listening with compassion and awareness. Being with the emotions, feelings and thoughts that are expressed, without trouble shouting, solving or diminishing. Being with the women, seeing them.
When I was learning how to provide postnatal treatments with the 'rebozo', I quickly realized that this component of holding space is at least as important as the actual rocking and wrapping. So I made that an important element of my offer.
In my conversations with women, I started to realize that there is very little follow up care for cesarean scars, while there is actually a desire for this. I soon found out that there are effective treatments offered in the Netherlands, that were-as far as I am aware- not available here in Stavanger region. Therefore I went to the Netherlands to learn different treatment methods, and now I can provide Scar Care treatments here in Stavanger. Women should not need to suffer unnecessary from complaints that can be resolved or reduced with relative simple and non-invasive treatment methods!
In my activities for parents in their maternity or paternity leave, like my baby massage course, the focus is also on the wellbeing of the parents.​
Postnatal treatments and care for women
Parent and baby gatherings
Antenatal Educator Diploma - Level 3 Qualified, and
Breastfeeding Peer Supporter Qualified by Antenatal training Int.
Level 3 award in Education and Training by City & Guilds
Reclaiming Childbirth Course, and
Childbirth Physiology Course by dr. Rachel Reed.
Scar Care by Mums Academy, Karlijn Koopman.
Theoretical and practical 'Postnatal Rebozo massage and closing ritual' course by Sophie Messager.
Doula and the Dude workshop by Eva Rose.
Three years of Dzogchen Buddhism training, and
Study and practice weekend for care providers, about Spirituality for therapists, coaches and other counselors by Jan Geurtz.
Mindfulness-Based Sustainable Transformation by BCalm Counseling & Mindfulness (a course that is part of the Inner Greendeal).
For my work as a birth educator I have spent many hours of self-education, reading books, listening to expert's podcasts, reading research papers, etc.
Master of science in Fiscal Economics with the University in Maastricht.
I was fortunate to receive support from Wendy Pagler and Connie Norup in my own transition into parenthood as well as in my transition to becoming a birth educator. I am grateful for what these two wise women, each in their own way, have thought me in this process.
Personal information
Together with my partner, whom I met in Stavanger, I have a daughter and a son that I birthed in respectively 2019 and 2021. My mother and sisters live in the Netherlands and my in-laws in Sweden.
I was born and raised in The Netherlands and have lived a short time in New York, some years in Paris and have now been living in Stavanger since 2014.
I have established a daily meditation practice which helps me navigate through life’s joys and sorrows.
I am part of an on-line (Dutch) meditation group that offers a daily practice opportunity. For this group I am responsible for the communication, the preparation of the weekly schedule and I also host some of these practices.
I am a volunteer at Stavanger Slinging. This is a non-for profit association that has a baby wearing library from which parents can borrow slings and carriers. Also, we organize social gatherings in the Stavanger region with a baby wearing focus.
In summertime you might also see me in town with a group of tourists, as I am working as a tour-guide in Stavanger region.